Saturday, August 19, 2023

Traveling to Egypt introduction

How ever do i start with a country Like Egypt,i will try to be objective what we can advice to see and items you could experience yourself,, 

I lived in Egypt together with my wife after our retirement at 2008, we seen mostly the popular items, but sure we had other moments, i like to share.

My close family ask many times, after some bad experiences, and say ''why you stay going there ''

the magical answer from locals go's once you drink from the Nile you will be posessed and return again.

major adcice if you travel individual like us. READ AND READ AND READ before you visit a place,

the first years we visited without knowledge.  i did not read,, the fact was when you find out later , i have been at this place ,, oh my God,, i miss it and did not see some details from this place i visited. in time i learned.. so again IF YOU TRAVEL INDIVIDUAL... read first.

Our first trip was Cairo '''sure''' We arived in Hurghada and by luck we found 2 students who whent with us the first time we go there.. at this time there was more limits to travel  ''security'' and the trip was monitored by Police and drive in colon 

one of the students was studying archeology,,, he could enter everywhere even by car. the crazy part was i knew more then this student, the only avantage was i could enter everywhere

one of the students became a friend, it's sad to say Ahmed died  6 years later . the picture is for me a nice memory actualy, , rest in peace Ahmed

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