Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Waterboy and Howard Carter - watch!! i recomend it

The boy worker who brought a boy King back to life

On that day from hundred years ago, there was a boy who should have been playing like the rest of the boys of his age but instead, he was working alongside his father and his clan in very hard conditions. 

He was commissioned to bring water to a camp and to serve that camp's local workers and those foreigners with tea as they dug and searched in the rocky valley that looks more like a mountain than the usual valley in your mind for old treasures.

Original picture colorized by Marcus

I believe the young boy was the third member of the Abdel Rasoul clan to discover a major discovery that turned Egyptology upside down.

Hussein’s grandfather Mohamed and his great uncle Mahmoud discovered the famous Royal Cache at Deir El-Bahry in 1871 after being led by a goat.

That photo of Sheikh Hussein Abdel Rasoul in the Rasouls house in Qurna
In that 100 years-old Hussein Abdel Rasoul holding his famous photo while 
smoking a cigarette 

The fact discoverer of King Tutankhamun’s tomb was not Egyptologist Howard Carter who spent years searching for him, the true discoverer of King Tutankhamun was a young Egyptian boy working in an excavation.

Hussein Abdel Rasoul was about two years older than King Tut when he ruled Egypt. King Tut was only 10 years according to most estimations.

A boy worker discovered the boy king’s tomb bringing him and his family to life after adults thousands of years ago decided to bury him away from history.

Hussein Abdel Rasoul descended from the Qurna city in Luxor where King Tut and his dynasty were based in Thebes aka Luxor except for Akhenaten, his father.

Hussein Abdel Rasoul with his Upper Egyptian skin colour complexity looked in that photo with the necklace like an ancient Egyptian kid. 

extra links are:

next the way of colorizing an old picture and the result +some other stuff

the Original  sepia photo and next the filters u used to the final colorized picture

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