Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Stela of Senu in USA

 Detail of the limestone stela of Senu, a royal scribe who served during the reign of King Amenhotep III, circa 1390-1352 BCE at the time of the 18th Dynasty. It shows a representation of Osiris, god of the dead and ruler of the netherworld among other functions.

Osiris wears the Atef Crown (a high crown adorned with two side ostrich plumes) with horizontal horns and sun discs linking him to the sun god, Re, who is often depicted as a ram-headed man. Osiris holds a crooked scepter and flagellum in his fists, which protrude on his breast from a tight-fitting robe. He also wears a broad collar and sports a false beard.

The stela (18.2.5) is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.

Photo (edited for size): Public Domain

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