Sunday, December 8, 2024

Tomb of prince Khaemuaset

 An interesting article about Schiaparelli's work in Thebes, and an explanation about the wealth of objects in the Turin collection.

"On 15 February of 1903 the tomb of prince Khaemuaset (no.44) son of Ramses III came to light and although ransacked and reused in ancient times, over ninety mummies were found, many of them still in their sarcophaguses, as well as vases and other funerary objects. In all, over eighty tombs were explored in the Valley of the Queens mostly belonging to queens and princes, where teams of up to three hundred workers were employed. Among these was the tomb of prince Amonherkhepeshef (no.55) another son of Ramses III and although it had been ransacked, contained extraordinary paintings as well as the mummy of a young man, perhaps the prince himself. The tomb of princess Ahmosi (no.88) daughter of Seqenenra, besides the mummy, revealed various funerary furnishings as well as two large fragments of funerary sheets bearing passages from the “Book of the Dead”."

colorized by Marcus

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