Thursday, August 3, 2023

Masjid Misr: Inside the Largest Mosque in Africa

 Dear folowers browsing lead me to Scene (before CairoScene)   i follow this web from 2011

i even worked with a journalist from them about the situations of minors. and create a few dazling posts

unfortunate   this journalist was arrested and set free he decide to move to another country.

i Recommend i this web ... for sure if you live in Cairo.. the web language is English and have a wide angle of  information. On this blog i give  you a view from one of there posts. Marcus

the next are screenshots (not copy) from Google, i try to link here , i did not succeed sory Google

location New capital Cairo
again the shock between the poor locals in Egypt and the unlimited changes New capital

screenshot Google Galery end the next pictures

screenshots from Google galery 

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