Wednesday, June 28, 2023

BBC Tutankhamun Documentary

TIP FROM YOUR ADMIN.... this documentairy actualy touch me... a must see..Actualy more like a movie..enjoy Marcus

Magnificent representation of life of Tut and his wife. Why I dont know that this magnificent video of Ancient Egypt take me in those times where everything I can see to my heart's content.This video made by BBC is really enriching the knowledge of history and creates love for history.Incrediably extraordinary direction and dresses and hair makeup all are perfectly replica of the times.All the actors and actressed are unquestionably attractive.The acting of  Tut and Ankanasa munn are really fantastic.The music composition is really mind touching.Simple but haunting.The music of this video documentary is extraordinary..Above all the jewellary of those of the ancient time are suitably represented.Thanks BBC  for this great video.

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