Thursday, June 29, 2023

Statue of PrincePentawere

New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, c. 1153-1147 B.C.

Found within the tomb of Ramesses IV, Tomb KV2, Valley of the Kingsnow 

this item now Musée du Louvre. N 438 

Pentawer (also Pentawere and Pentaweret) was an ancient Egyptian prince of the 20th Dynasty, a son of Pharaoh Ramesses III and his secondary wife, Tiye.[1] He was involved in the so-called "harem conspiracy", a plot to kill his father and place him on the throne. The details of his trial are recorded in the Judicial Papyrus of Turin; he committed suicide following his trial.[2] A candidate for his body is a mummy known as "Unknown Man E", discovered in the Deir el-Bahri cache in 1881. This mummy is unusual as it was found wrapped in a sheep or goat skin and was improperly mummified, being left with all his organs. Bob Brier has suggested that this mummy does indeed belong to the disgraced prince;[3] DNA analysis has confirmed a father-son relationship with Pentawer's known father, Ramesses III, with both sharing the same paternal haplogroup and half of their Y chromosomal DNA.[

Despite the Harem Conspiracy (Judicial Papyrus of Turin) organised in hopes to place Prince Pentawere (a son of Ramesses III & his wife Tiye) on the throne, Ramesses IV, Ramesses III's chosen heir, became king after the assassination of his father Ramesses III.

The actual name of this prince is unknown, "Pentawer" being a pseudonym given to him on the Judicial Papyrus of Turin.[5] He was to be the beneficiary of the harem conspiracy, probably initiated by his mother Tiye, to assassinate the pharaoh.[6] Tiye wanted her son to succeed the pharaoh, even though the chosen heir was a son of the queen Tyti.[7] According to the Judicial Papyrus, Pentawer was among those who were made to stand trial for their participation in the conspiracy. He was forced to kill himself:

Subsequent DNA analysis supports the theory that the mummy was a son of Ramesses as they both share the paternal Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a and half their DNA

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