Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Discovery of KING TUT | The Burial Chamber and Treasury

In November 1922, after five years of searching, Howard Carter and his patron Lord Carnarvon finally discovered the last resting place of Tutankhamun. His tomb was found directly beneath the tomb of Ramesses VI, which had been built much later on. As a result, the debris from the construction had been dumped into the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb – a stroke of luck for us today, since the boy king’s tomb does remained intact and hidden for more than 3,000 years. Two figures standing guard indicated where the entrance to the burial chamber must be. On February 17th 1923, Carter began tearing down the wall that separated the antechamber from the mummy of the Pharaoh. When the opening was large enough, Carter was able to peek through and spied a wall of gold. This later turned out to be a golden shrine. Between the shrine and the chamber walls there was just enough room to squeeze through.

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