Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The statue of priest named Ness - Hor

This greatness is hard to repeat
An impressive ancient Egyptian masterpiece thousands of years old
Statue, no laser, infinite precision, just like it was sculpted yesterday!
Who owns the statue?
This amazing statue of a priest named Ness - Hor, from the 26th Dynasty era.
What type of stone ?
Carved from diorite stone, one of the roughest and hardest types of stones that is very difficult to carve even with modern tools.
The dimensions of a statue?
More than a meter high and weighs about 161 kg!
Detail perfection is like we are seeing a real picture.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Pachdu tomb No. TT3 Luxor Exclusif 21 hd pictures a must see

 Exclusif photo research and  optimized y Marcus

"Bashdo" was a servant in the place of truth (Jabana Tayiba) who lived during the reign of king "Siti I" and "Ramses II" and he was responsible for the construction of the royal tombs, and from then he became responsible for their decoration, and his tomb is considered one of the most beautiful tombs of nobles in terms of religious drawings, preserved with its bright colors until now.

 The modern state, Deir el-Medina, Luxor

 "Pashdo" was a servant in the right place (a good cemetery). He lived during the reign of Kings "Seti I" and "Rameses II" and was responsible for building the royal tombs, and then he became responsible for decorating them. His tomb is considered one of the most beautiful tombs of the nobles in terms of its preserved religious drawings.  bright colors so far.

Friday, December 13, 2024

The relocated temple from Taffeh after Aswan dam

The Temple of Taffeh in its current location

Location Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, The Netherlands

Built 25 BCE – 14 CE

Rebuilt 1979

Architectural style(s) Ancient Egyptian

from wikipedia

The Temple of Taffeh is an ancient Roman Egyptian temple currently located in the Rijksmuseum van 

Oudheden in Leiden, the Netherlands. The temple was originally built between 25 BCE and 14 CE as part of the Roman fortress known as Taphis, in Egypt. The Egyptian government donated the temple to the Netherlands as a sign of gratitude for their participation in the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia. It is one of the few works of ancient Egyptian architecture relocated outside Egypt and the only one of its kind in the Netherlands.

Tempel in 1851 in Nubië.


The temple of Taffeh was built of sandstone between 25 BCE and 14 CE during the rule of the Roman emperor Augustus. It was part of the Roman fortress known as Taphis and measures 6.5 by 8 metres  28ft × 26 ft).The north temple's "two front columns are formed by square pillars with engaged columns" on its four sides. The rear wall of the temple interior features a statue niche.

In 1960, in relation to the construction of the Aswan High Dam and the consequent threat posed by its reservoir to numerous monuments and archeological sites in Nubia such as the temple of Abu Simbel, UNESCO made an international call to save these sites. In gratitude, Egypt assigned several monuments to the countries that replied to this plea in a significant way, including the Netherlands. Adolf Klasens, the director of the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden and a Dutch Egyptologist played a part in arranging the agreement where Egypt presented the temple to the museum.

The building is constructed from 657 blocks weighing approximately 250 tons. After arriving in the Netherlands in 1979,   it was reconstructed in a new wing of the museum. The new structure was designed in such a way that the Dutch weather would not affect the stone, that natural light would illuminate the temple and that visitors could see the temple before having to pay for admission. There was also an effort to replace a minimum number of damaged stones.

A Greek inscription and a Christian cross remain carved into its walls.

See alsoon wiki 

External copy of 2 webs Wiki and AscendingPassage Temple of Debod

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Location Madrid, Spain

Coordinates 40°25′26.59″N 3°43′04″W

Built 200 BC -- Rebuilt 1970–1972

Spanish Cultural Heritage

The Temple of Debod[1] (Spanish: Templo de Debod) is an ancient Nubian temple currently located in Madrid, Spain. The temple was originally erected in the early 2nd century BC at 15 km (9.3 mi) south of Aswan, Egypt. The Egyptian government donated the temple to Spain in 1968 as a sign of gratitude for their participation in the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia. It was dismantled, transported, and rebuilt in the Parque de la Montaña in 1970–1972.[2] It is one of the few works of ancient Egyptian architecture relocated outside Egypt and the only one of its kind in Spain.

The Temple of Debod

Debod Temple (Debut, Debot, Debout, Dabod or Dabud) was built by Pharaoh Adikhalamani in the third century BC. The Temple was originally dedicated to the god Amun. Ptolemy VI, VIII, and XII enlarged and re-dedicated it.

Dabod Temple was only 6 miles south of Aswan and was disassembled as part of the international rescue efforts at the time of the building of the Aswan High Dam. The temple is now located in Madrid, Spain, a gift from Egypt to the Spanish people for their help with the rescue of Nubian monuments in the 1960's.

"Travels in Nubia" was written by one of the very first westerners in modern times to explore the Nile south of Aswan. It was a dangerous and secret journey, John Lewis Burckhardt did not reveal his identity or purpose even to his guide. His book is a record of the further reaches of the Egyptian empire, temples mostly from the later period when the culture had dimmed a bit, but still wonderous as Mr Burckhardt found them in the sands of the early nineteenth century.

Debod Temple
Photograph by Maxime DuCamp, 1852

The Temple of Debod

Edited excerpt from: Travels in Nubia by John Lewis Burckhardt
A Journey along the Banks of the Nile
Published in 1819. Adapted for, 2006.
March 30th, 1813.
After a ride of half an hour, over a well cultivated plain, we came to the temple of Debot, which stands upon the site of the ancient Parembole.

The temple at Debot.
The Temple of Debot,
by Francois Gau, 1819

The sanctuary of the temple at Debot.
Sanctuary, Temple of Debot,
by Francois Gau, 1819
The temple is approached through three high, insulated gateways, with projecting cornices, like that near Merowau. The distance between the first and second gateway is twenty paces, ten paces between the second and third, and fifteen paces between the third and the pronaos of the temple. In front of the pronaos are four columns, with a wall half their height.

Along the center of three of the interior walls of the pronaos is a compartment of sculpture, the other parts of the walls are quite bare; a peculiarity I saw nowhere else in Egypt. Adjoining the pronaos to the left is a square chamber, the walls of which project beyond the side of the temple, and destroy its symmetry. There are no sculptures of any kind on the walls of this apartment.

The cella is an oblong square, its walls are covered with hieroglyphics and sculptures. On one side of it is a dark apartment, opening into the pronaos, and on the other side is a staircase leading up to the top of the temple. Below the staircase are several small rooms.

The adytum, which is entered through a narrow chamber three paces wide, is ten feet in length by nine in width. In its rear wall are two fine monolith temples of granite, the largest of which is eight feet in height by three in width. The winged globe is sculptured over each of them. They appear to have been receptacles for some small sacred animals, perhaps (scarab) beetles. The places are yet visible where the hinges of the door turned, which shut up whatever was contained within. These monolith temples, are similar to those at Philae; but differ in their construction from that at Gaou (Antæopolis), which is much larger. There are no hieroglyphics in the interior, whereas that at Gaou is covered on the inside with inscriptions and sculptures.

On each side of the adytum at Debot is a small room, communicating with the narrow chamber behind the cella; the walls of both are without sculptures, but contain some secret recesses, similar to those at Kalabshe, and which were destined, probably, for the same purposes. One of these rooms had an upper story, like the one at Kalabshe, but it is now ruined. The other parts of the temple are in good preservation. The sculptures on the inside walls are much defaced; but some faint remains of their coloring are yet visible.

The simple temple at Debot - Square with four tall columns at the front.
The Temple of Debot,
by David Roberts, 1838

There are no sculptures whatever on the exterior walls. A wall, now in ruins, had encompassed the whole of this temple, including the three gateways in front of it. I observed in the broken-up floor of the pronaos deep stone foundations, upon which the temple is built. I should not be surprised if subterran rooms were discovered here, as well as in other Egyptian temples. That would be quite in the spirit of the Egyptian hierarchy.
The Temple of Debot
Edited excerpt from: Travels in Nubia
by John Lewis Burckhardt, published in 1819

Plan of Debut Temple
by Francois Gau, 1822

by Prisse d'Avennes 1878

Countless beautiful 19th century images of ancient Egypt
and 75 pages of architecture, art and mystery
are linked from the library page:

The Egyptian Secrets Library

Scribes Tour

Egypt tlitograps and others different artists around 1822-1975

in case you do not know any picture open in theather , just click you see the original sizes

View from under the Portico of Dayr E Medeeneh, Thebes
David Roberts
Undated  ·  Picture ID: 551113

Temple of Philae
(Temple of Philae )
Henry Holiday
Undated  ·  watercolour on paper  ·  Picture ID: 201945
Pre Raphaelites  ·  Orient

Egypt and Nubia, Volume I: View from Under the Portico of the Temple of Edfou, Upper Egypt
Louis Haghe , F.G.Moon, 20 Threadneedle Street, London (published by) , after David Roberts
Undated  ·  color lithograph  ·  Picture ID: 1311607

Temple of Horus, Edfu, from 'Egypt and Nubia', engraved by Louis Haghe, published in London
(Temple of Horus, Edfu, from 'Egypt and Nubia', engraved by Louis Haghe (1806-85) published in London, 1838 )
David Roberts
1838  ·  colour lithograph  ·  Picture ID: 87770
Orientalism  ·  Orient

Portico of the Temple of Edfu, Upper Egypt (from 'Egypt and Nubia', Vol.1)
(Portico of the Temple of Edfu, Upper Egypt, from Egypt and Nubia, Vol.1 )
David Roberts
Undated  ·  Picture ID: 95503
Orientalism  ·  Orient

Portico of the Temple of Edfu, Upper Egypt (from 'Egypt and Nubia', Vol.1)
(Portico of the Temple of Edfu, Upper Egypt, from Egypt and Nubia, Vol.1 )
David Roberts
Undated  ·  Picture ID: 95503
Orientalism  ·  Orient

Esna Temple, November 25
(Esna temple, November 25)
David (after) Roberts
Undated  ·  engraving  ·  Picture ID: 1114353
Nonclassified artists

Portico of Esuch, Egypt, 1822
('Portico of Esuch, Egypt', 1822)
1822  ·  watercolour  ·  Picture ID: 1141333
Nonclassified artists

Dendera ancient Tentyris
David Roberts
Undated  ·  watercolour and gouache over pencil on paper  ·  Picture ID: 901400

The Great Hall, Karnac
English School
Undated  ·  colour lithograph  ·  Picture ID: 113591
Cultural Circles

The Temple of Esneh
('The Temple of Esneh', 19th century)
E Weidenbach
1842  ·  lithograph  ·  Picture ID: 1178798
Nonclassified artists


Egypt engraved David Roberts Dendara

The Temple at Dendera, December 7

(The temple at Dendera, December 7)

David (after) Roberts

Undated  ·  engraving  ·  Picture ID: 1114354


Egypt lithograp David Roberts

Grand Portico of the Temple of Philae, Nubia, from 'Egypt and Nubia', engraved by Louis Haghe

(Grand Portico of the Temple of Philae, Nubia, from 'Egypt and Nubia', engraved by Louis Haghe (1806-85) published in London, 1838 )

David Roberts

1838  ·  colour lithograph  ·  Picture ID: 50355

Orientalism  ·  Orient


Wall painting carvings collection

 'Flutist in Kheruef's tomb at Luxor. This relief detail in the tomb of Kheruef shows a flutist who performs on the occasion of the ...